Eastern Hemisphere - Rocket League

Rocket League
  • 0 Competitors
  • Points
  • Teams (3 vs 3)
RULES - Rocket League

Player Eligibility: All Players participating in Rocket League competitions must have access to the game on PC (Steam), Playstation, Switch, or Xbox. Only registered team members playing under their own account are allowed to play for a team.

Team Roster: A team may start the season with 3-20 participants.

Game Version: Each player must have their game up to date with the latest patch for their system.

Day of Match protocol: Both teams should have the Rocket League game client open and be ready to join at the Match start time.

Teams should also be equipped to communicate outside of the game client during the Match, preferably through Discord PM between captains/representatives.

The captain or designated representative from the Home team will create a Private Match in-game with the following parameters:

Game Mode: Soccer
Arena: Challenged Team’s Choice
Team Size: 3v3
Bot Difficulty: No Bots

Team Settings and Mutator Settings: Defaults

Mutators Series Length: 5 for Regular season, 7 for Playoffs

Region: Challenged Team’s choice.

Joinable By: Name/Password

After hitting “Create Match”, the Home team rep will enter the following:

Name: (Challenged Team #)vs(Challenging Team #)
Password: AFBN
Example 1: Team ABCD (identifier #27) is the challenged team, playing Team EFGH (identifier #52). The lobby name will be 27vs52 and the password will be AFBN.

Example 2: Team IJKL (identifier #48) is the Challenged Team playing Team MNOP (identifier #03). The lobby name will be 48vs03 and the password will be AFBN.

All players will then join the lobby using the above name and password. The Home team will be Blue, and the Away team will be Orange. Players may not join their assigned side until three players from each team have joined the lobby.

At the conclusion of each Game in the Series, teams will be given the opportunity to take a 1-minute break and communicate if they need to make a substitution or pause the game for any reason. This action can be done by using the in-game chat or communicating externally. Captains can select the in-game Ready button to indicate that they are ready for the next game to begin. Opponents should provide flexibility and leniency during this break for issues that would normally warrant a Stoppage of Play.

Following the 1-minute break, captains should communicate to their players to not join their assigned side (Home/Away) if the opposing team has requested a break or is in the process of making a substitution and is waiting for their substituted player to join the match.

During this time, in the post-game screen, the Home team representative will change the Arena (available by hitting “Match Settings”) to the next arena of their choice.


Best-of-X: a Match that has X number of Games, and the Team that wins a majority of the Games is declared the winner. Once a Team wins the number of Games needed to reach the requisite majority, then that Team will be declared the winner of the Match, and any Games that have not been played at that point will not be played.

For example, in a Best-of-Five Match, once a Team wins 3 Games, that Team will immediately be declared the winner of that Match. Game: a single 5 minutes + Overtime competition between two Teams.

Match: Tournament play between two Teams that may involve multiple Games.

Series: a group of Games that together constitute a Match Team: a group of Players who compete in the Tournament together as a unit.

ResultMatch Date