Western Hemisphere - Onward

  • 0 Competitors
  • Points
  • Teams (5 vs 5)
RULES - Onward VR

Matches Format

A match consists of 3 maps.
The first team to win two of the three maps, wins the match.
The official game-mode is "Uplink."
The official players count is 5v5.
Challenging Team Hosts first and third map.
Challenged Team Picks first and third map.
The standard round timer for matches is six minutes (6).
Both teams are to check this at the start of the first round of a map and round reset if incorrect (with map rehost).
If a timer error is not identified in the first round, the map is to be played out with rehost for the next map with the correct round timer.
The following are the map pools. Teams must select from this map pool when choosing their map.

Map Pool:
- Tanker
- Suburbia (Day & Night)
- Cargo
- Subway
- Bazaar (Day & Night)
- Quarantine (Day & Night)
- Abandoned (Day & Night)
- Snowpeak (Day & Night)
- Downfall (Day & Night)

A map cannot be played twice in the same match. Night variants are considered the same as their day variants for the purpose of this rule.
Before the beginning of each match, starting with the Home team, both sides will choose one map to ban from the map pool. A team may decide to not ban any map.
When a map is banned, all of its variants are also considered banned.
After the ban phase, the Home team picks the map OR chooses their starting side (Volk or Marsoc). The Away team then picks a map OR chooses a starting side. Finally, the Home team has the final pick/choice.
When scheduling for their match, teams can mutually decide to play the match 3v3 or 4v4, but no teams are obligated to lower their player count for any match.
A team will be ineligible to play its match where it has fewer than 3 rostered players available.
A team will be ineligible to play its match where it can't field more than 3 players against a team of 5 players.

Gameplay Clarifications and Restrictions
It is forbidden to do "Player-boosting." The term "Player-boosting" refers to the stacking of players on one another (e.g.: a player crouches and another stands on their shoulders).

The M203 and RPG launchers are permitted under the following bounds:
Each team may field, at most, one launcher.
The M203 HE launcher and RPG are permitted only on Downfall, Quarantine, Snowpeak, Abandoned, and their variants.
The M203 Smoke launcher is permitted on all maps. Shields are not allowed on any map.
Due to an exploit that was found and subsequently tested, the use of green and red smoke is Banned until further notice. Only the white coloured smokes are still allowed. Volk Drones are not allowed on any map.
Marsoc Drones are only permitted on Downfall, Quarantine, Snowpeak, Abandoned and their variants.
As Marsoc, it is not allowed to raise your pad more than 6 feet off the ground in order to capture an objective that is located above your head; some exceptions apply and are listed here:
On Suburbia, you can send the Uplink code in the middle mansionĀ  only if you have both feet on the stairs.
On Abandoned, you can send the objective from underneath the middle Garage from the Rabbit hole (bottom floor).

The following map interactions are banned:
Bazaar: It's not allowed to walk on the side of the buildings on the 2nd storey ledge. (This is a good example of a general guidance where invisible ledges should not be used)
Bazaar: It's not allowed to walk on the fences. It is not permitted to intentionally shoot, or kill using any method, a player clipping through any floor/ceiling. If any part of a body is clipping through a wall/item they may be killed as the player in question is able to prevent themselves from clipping.
Downfall: It is not allowed to enter the cockpit of the helicopter.
Quarantine: It's not allowed to get up onto the fuselage from the south (which is done by moving along an invisible ledge from east to west, then popping up).
Suburbia: Deliberate attempts to clip inside the no-collision bushes with either the head or more than 50% of the body will be considered exploiting. It's legal to run through them while standing.

Known Bugs & Issues

In the event the same team (Marsoc or Volk) spawns in 2 different locations, the round is automatically voided and must be replayed.
In the event that all Volk enemies are dead, but the round timer continues (making Volk automatically win) the round point actually goes to Marsoc. Marsoc wins by 1 point (they can't take advantage of the bug to capture the objective).
On Quarantine, for the truck stop objective, if a player spawns underground, the round is automatically voided and must be replayed; unless said player can get to normal height before the spawn countdown ends.
In the event that a game update introduces major bugs experienced by the majority of players, the league may decide to extend the week to play the match.
Sometimes the developers may provide a distinct build to be used by the League. The League Moderators will indicate which default build the matches should be played on. In all cases, when the teams agree to play on a certain build, they cannot decide to change builds within 6 hours of their match (to allow enough time for everyone to re-download another build).
In the event of a bug or round reset which incorrectly awards a point or switches team sides the following should be used as guidance (but may vary - if needing clarification CONTACT A MODERATOR).
If the bug occurs when neither side has played the objective (but the sides are switched) then the lobby should be rehosted before playing the round on any objective which has not been played (does not have to be the same objective as neither side has played it)
If the bug occurs and one team has already played the objective then the lobby should be rehosted on the same objective and the first round should be given to the team who won it previously (have one player from each team load in and shoot the correct person based on who won the round previously - do not volk suicide as two points will be awarded)

ResultMatch Date